This blog is dedicated to all guys who are interested in blogging, marketings,seo and make money online tips.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Disable ad blocker on blogspot blog and maximise adsense earning

Disable ad blocker on blogspot blog and maximise adsense earning. With our anti ad blocker script blogspot blogger easily maximise there earning.

In today day to day life ,blogging is common on internet. If you are doing blogging then its not a big task. There are to many ideas to write blog .so everyone want some more money through there writing skills.

As technology is make thing easy ,its also effect other things. As use of ad blocker is increasing (Top browser like uc browser. Opera ,chrome )are provide you ability to disable ads while surfing on website.

Every type of website like for recharge tricks and offer ,any study blog ,and any jokes and masti blog ,any job site all affected by this ad blocker script.

Through this adblocker disable  script you easily disable ad blocker and your earning will increase.

A blooger is only that person who can feel that what happen when he can't make some money while he spend much time on Seo of blogger,Content that suit there users and themes .

How this work:-
This script is a simple java code that detect adblocke while your site is being surfing by any user. When any user on there ad blocker ,an popup window open and show a specific message. This site is working on every type of blogspot blog.

You can edit this ad blocker disable script in your own language but don't edit the coding .

How apply ad blocker disable script:-

1.Open your blogger home as -

2.Open your blog and select "Layout"

3.In layout select gadget and select HTML

4.simply left blank the Title and in body paste this code and save it.

Now open your site and see .

Here is script:-

You can see demo here.

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